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About us 🤝🏼

Our mission

MrCall wants to integrate voice into your company’s customer service workflow through artificial intelligence

The founders

The two founders, after several successful experiences in international speech analytics startups, established the innovative startup Hahn Banach Srl. They personally invested to fully fund the development of MrCall software and the initial stages of commercialization. After opening up to external capital in July 2022, the company launched the paid service.

Mario Alemi

Mario has built his career first in academia and then in successful startups where his scientific background enabled the development of highly innovative services.

With a PhD in Elementary Particle Physics, Mario started his academic career at CERN and later became a professor for Mathematical Methods at ESCP Business School in London. Mario co-founded and served as Chief Data Officer at Your.MD (now Healthily), where he designed, developed, and led the research team behind the company’s symptom checker, recognized by the UK government as a model of excellence in AI usage in the health field. Healthily received a total of $67.3 million in funding.

In 2017, he co-founded the Finnish company GetJenny, where, alongside Angelo Leto, he oversaw the development of the company’s conversational engine. The company secured funding of over €2 million and was sold in 2021 to LeadDesk, with a turnover and EBITDA of €1.5 million and €500,000, respectively.



Mario Alemi

Angelo Leto


Angelo began his journey in academia, teaching High-Performance Computing at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste. He was responsible for product certification at IM3D, where he published several scientific articles.

Among his collaborations, he worked with the Italian company CELI, specializing in Natural Language Processing, where he introduced machine learning techniques, automation, and software modularity, significantly reducing product development time.

In 2017, he co-founded the Finnish company GetJenny, where, alongside Mario Alemi, he oversaw the development of the open-source conversational engine StarChat and led the technical team. The company secured funding of over €2 million and was sold in 2021 to LeadDesk, with a turnover and EBITDA of €1.5 million and €500,000, respectively.


Join the hundreds of companies that are using MrCall, the service that has revolutionized the relationship with their customers!

Based on 23 reviews
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Federico MattanaFederico Mattana
10:17 30 Sep 23
Exceptional product with extensive customization possibilities. A distracted user could mistake Mr Call for a human voice. Excellent assistance and collaboration
Chiara ViganòChiara Viganò
13:07 11 Sep 23
16:42 02 Mar 23
Truly a service we can no longer do without! Thanks to mrcall's artificial intelligence we are able to manage bookings even during closing hours, or during service if we are unable to answer, busy doing something else! I recommend everyone to take advantage of the free month, you will never go back!
Giacomo PelizzaGiacomo Pelizza
16:27 22 Feb 23
tommaso morsellitommaso morselli
14:30 22 Feb 23
Excellent product, excellent after-sales assistance, super recommended!
Valentina ViscontiValentina Visconti
20:17 20 Jan 23
I am a pharmacist and thanks to a friend I met Mr call. He has been helping me manage the thousands of phone calls which, as you can imagine, had made my job difficult during this period for almost a year. Now I no longer lose any and I can answer everyone thanks to the transcription of the messages and numbers of those who called me. It's essential for me now!!
Raimondo ZambutoRaimondo Zambuto
11:59 24 Oct 22
Excellent service. Finally a secretariat beyond all standards. Customizable according to your needs and of great support. Passed with full marks
Attilio GiannattasioAttilio Giannattasio
08:56 24 Oct 22
Finally the help I was looking for for my answering machine! Reduced distractions from incoming calls to zero (when I can't answer). Once you have tried Mr. Call, I assure you that you will hire him !!! :)
Lucia SimonciniLucia Simoncini
11:44 07 Jul 22
Exactly what I needed! My business does not receive a sufficient number of calls to justify a call center or even just a person always dedicated to answering the phone, but with MrCall I solved my problem. I answer whenever I can, when I can't MrCall takes care of it; Unfortunately, many do not leave a message and therefore I cannot find out the problem and its urgency in advance, but I can still call them back or contact them by WhatsApp as soon as possible.Simply fantastic!
14:50 06 Jul 22
Indispensable! This service has solved 99% of customer phone call management problems in just a few days. We have a small e-commerce business and we needed to give initial feedback to phone calls received when unable to answer. The personalization of the message and the automatic synchronization with the opening / closing times and days through your google account IS PRICELESS !!!! I am a medium level computerized user and yet in 10 minutes the system is operational and calibrated to your needs !!!! Highly recommended!
19:55 03 Jun 22
It changed the quality of my working life! When the staff has finished working and I'm alone in the studio and I want to concentrate without the continuous interruption of the telephone, thanks to MrCall the customer who has an urgent need, who wants information, leaves his message which is immediately transcribed and sent to my email. This allows me to choose whether to answer immediately or postpone the answer without ever forgetting the call.
Café 124Café 124
13:25 07 Nov 23
Sa quando l'attività è aperta o chiusa, e può quindi inoltrare la chiamata al servizio clienti solo in certi orari. In più, analizza tutte le richieste di chi chiama e propone delle FAQ a cui rispondere. Lo fanno altri?
Davide De ZanDavide De Zan
09:40 07 Nov 23
Personale efficientissimo e servizio di risponditore automatico ultra personalizzabile.
Luisa BoniLuisa Boni
09:51 26 Oct 23
Servizio eccellente, così come l'assistenza.Ha rivoluzionato il mio modo di lavorare e l'ho già consigliato a molti colleghi.
Federico MattanaFederico Mattana
10:17 30 Sep 23
Prodotto eccezionale con ampie possibilità di personalizzazione. Un utente distratto potrebbe scambiare Mr Call per una voce umana. Ottima assistenza e collaborazione
Chiara ViganòChiara Viganò
13:07 11 Sep 23
16:42 02 Mar 23
Veramente un servizio di cui non possiamo più fare a meno! Grazie all’intelligenza artificiale di mrcall riusciamo a gestire prenotaIoni anche in orario di chiusura, oppure durante il servizio se non riusciamo a rispondere impegnati a fare altro! Consiglio a tutti di sfruttare il mese gratis, non tornerete più in dietro!
Giacomo PelizzaGiacomo Pelizza
16:27 22 Feb 23
Valentina ViscontiValentina Visconti
20:17 20 Jan 23
Sono una farmacista e grazie ad un’amica ho conosciuto Mr call. È quasi un anno che mi aiuta a gestire le mille telefonate che, come immaginerete, in questo periodo avevano reso difficile il mio lavoro. Adesso non ne perdo più nessuna e posso rispondere a tutti grazie alla trascrizione dei messaggi e dei numeri di chi mi ha chiamato. Ormai per me è fondamentale!!
Attilio GiannattasioAttilio Giannattasio
08:56 24 Oct 22
Finalmente l'aiuto che cercavo per la mia segreteria! Ridotte a zero le distrazioni da chiamate in arrivo (quando non posso rispondere). Una volta provato Mr. Call, vi assicuro che lo assumerete!!! :)
Lucia SimonciniLucia Simoncini
11:44 07 Jul 22
Esattamente quello di cui avevo bisogno! La mia attività non riceve un numero di chiamate tale da giustificare un call center o comunque anche solo una persona sempre dedicata a rispondere al telefono, ma con MrCall ho risolto il mio problema. Rispondo ogni volta che posso, quando non posso ci pensa MrCall; molti purtroppo non lasciano il messaggio e quindi non riesco a sapere in anticipo il problema e la relativa urgenza, ma posso ocmunque richiamarli o contattarli per whatsapp appena possibile.Semplicemente Fantastico!
14:50 06 Jul 22
Indispensabile! Questo servizio nel giro di pochissimi giorni ha risolto il 99% delle problematiche di gestione delle telefonate dei clienti. Abbiamo una piccola impresa di e-commerce e avevamo necessità di dare un primo feedback alle telefonate ricevute quando impossibilitati a rispondere. La personalizzazione del messaggio la sincronizzazione automatica con gli orari ed i giorni di apertura/chiusura attraverso il proprio account google È IMPAGABILE!!!! Sono un utente a medio livello d’informatizzazione eppure in 10 minuti il sistema è operativo a tarato sulle proprie esigenze!!!! Straconsigliato!
19:55 03 Jun 22
Ha cambiato la qualità della mia vita lavorativa! Quando il personale ha terminato di lavorare e sono sola in studio e desidero concentrarmi senza l'interruzione continua del telefono, grazie a MrCall il cliente che ha una necessità urgente, che desidera un'informazione, lascia il suo messaggio che viene immediatamente trascritto e inviato alla mia mail. Questo mi permette di scegliere se rispondere subito o rinviare la risposta senza mai dimenticarmi della chiamata.


MrCall has your back: always 😇

Contact 24/7 troubleshooting support about any issue or to inquire about the service!

Call us at +12027419420 or +442080595420 or write to!

We will get back immediately!